It seems like I always use that phrase. Maybe it's because I like to blog about those moments in life that you always want to remember..
Well this is certainly one of them. My Bubby started school on Monday...Yep-Kindergarten! It snuck up on us rather quickly and while I had been busy getting his supplies ready, I hadn't realized that it was THAT CLOSE.
I made a huge deal about it and Bryce said he was excited. But I know Bubby and Bubby doesn' The whole week leading up to it we drove by the school daily so he would know exactly where he was going. The Friday before school we met his teacher...and Bubby played it cool. We saw his classroom and he was intrigued but he stayed by my side. He laughed when the teachers spoke to him in Spanish and said he couldn't wait to learn how to talk that way. (He's in the Spanish Immersion Program)
My Mom, Dad, Sister and Aunt all came down for his big day. It was a nice distraction for him. And so-we all pile into the van and head to his first day of Kindergarten....I wanted to take pictures galore but he was not having it...
So I laid off him and chose to snap some pictures when he wasn't looking. Larry, Sydney and I walk him in...
This is when it got hard for me. We walked him into the classroom and I could see that he was unfamiliar with his new surroundings. He wanted desperately to ask me to stay but he also wanted to be a big boy. I could see the tears start to well up in his eyes.
Daddy stepped in for the pep talk.......
And just like that it was over. His first day of school all done...and I swear I didn't cry. I was more proud of him than sad. We've come a long way....after all this was him just 4 years ago...
Boy did Bryce surprise Bubby who
didn' actually
does! He can't wait to go to school every day!