We are on a Journey. A Journey of love and frustration. A Journey of finger pricks and cupcakes. A Journey of Type 1 Diabetes...The Journey of a lifetime!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Life of What If's

When you have a child with a serious condition-it's hard not to think of the what if's.  What if she's at school and her teacher doesn't notice her blood sugar is low.  What if I sleep through the 3am check.  What if she is treated differently at school.  What if my son resents his sister's diabetes because she requires so much care? What if...what if...what if...

You can drive yourself crazy thinking about the worst case scenario.  And yet-as Mom's that's what we're made to do.  We want to protect our children from the harsh realities of the world.  We want to lose our temper at the jerk that's staring when we check blood sugar.  But what would that teach our children?

There is so much in life that's uncertain.  I have to remind myself constantly that I have to slow down.  Life for me could revolve around regular blood sugar checks and infusion set changes.  But it doesn't have to. 

My life is overflowing with love!  My husband who lets me sleep an extra hour in the morning.  My son who gives me hugs and kisses and knows just how to lift my mood.  My Sydney who is strongest person I know.  I have so much to be thankful for! 

I choose to LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH.


  1. Continue living, loving, and laughing!! I'm so happy your vision is coming to life! Love ya! Kim

  2. Just wanted to stop by and say hi. I saw you on one of the FaceBook Diabetes groups. Your daughter is beautiful. I have 2 children who were diagnosed under a year old too. Though they have a different type (Neonatal Diabetes) and don't take insulin, my son was on insulin and then a pump until he was 21 months old. I know how it can be to let your life revolve around blood sugars, carbs, and insulin. You are right, you have so much to be thankful for. Welcome to the Diabetes Blog community.
