We are on a Journey. A Journey of love and frustration. A Journey of finger pricks and cupcakes. A Journey of Type 1 Diabetes...The Journey of a lifetime!

Friday, July 29, 2011

DIY Teacher Appreciation Gift

I'm pretty new to the blog world and I probably don't post as much as I could, but I love-love-love the myriads of DIY blogs out there.  You could spend hours going from blog to blog.  It wasn't until recently that I discovered a co-worker that sits directly behind me had similar interests.  When I found out she blogged-I knew we would be friends.  Her creativity is so inspiring and her family is so cute!  On her blog she links to several fun and affordable DIY crafts and it got my wheels turning!  We swap blogs all the time and she recently helped me create a personalized blog banner.  Check out Rachel's blog, Life Lessons from Boys HERE.

Life Lessons from Boys

One of her DIY features is a pencil bouquet basket.  Since Bryce's last day at school was Friday, I wanted to do something nice for his teachers.  It had to be personalized and also something they could use. The Pencil Bouquet was perfect!  Here's my take on it:
It cost me about $10 dollars for all three.  Can't beat that!  Thanks for the inspiration Rachel! 
Her Blog is all about the DIY but just wait-you'll go gaga over this:

How cute is that?  She personalizes these just for your little one depending on the nursery theme.  Don't you want one?  Check out how to get one HERE.

One of Those Moments in Life....

It seems like I always use that phrase.  Maybe it's because I like to blog about those moments in life that you always want to remember..

Well this is certainly one of them.  My Bubby started school on Monday...Yep-Kindergarten!  It snuck up on us rather quickly and while I had been busy getting his supplies ready, I hadn't realized that it was THAT CLOSE.

I made a huge deal about it and Bryce said he was excited.  But I know Bubby and Bubby doesn't...do...change...well.  The whole week leading up to it we drove by the school daily so he would know exactly where he was going.  The Friday before school we met his teacher...and Bubby played it cool.  We saw his classroom and he was intrigued but he stayed by my side.  He laughed when the teachers spoke to him in Spanish and said he couldn't wait to learn how to talk that way.  (He's in the Spanish Immersion Program)

My Mom, Dad, Sister and Aunt all came down for his big day.  It was a nice distraction for him.  And so-we all pile into the van and head to his first day of Kindergarten....I wanted to take pictures galore but he was not having it...
So I laid off him and chose to snap some pictures when he wasn't looking.  Larry, Sydney and I walk him in...

This is when it got hard for me.  We walked him into the classroom and I could see that he was unfamiliar with his new surroundings.  He wanted desperately to ask me to stay but he also wanted to be a big boy.  I could see the tears start to well up in his eyes.

Daddy stepped in for the pep talk.......

And just like that it was over.  His first day of school all done...and I swear I didn't cry.  I was more proud of him than sad.  We've come a long way....after all this was him just 4 years ago...

Boy did Bryce surprise me...my Bubby who didn't...do...change...well actually does!  He can't wait to go to school every day! 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mexican and Ice Cream!

I know...Bad Combo..but my kids love it!

Every Sunday we eat Mexican and then walk down a few doors for Ice Cream at Coldstone.  Yum Yum!

I think I asked them to share some ice cream....

If Looks Could Kill....

Omnipod vs. Animas

When Sydney was diagnosed at 11 months old-we felt like the rug got pulled from under us.  Yet-I was determined to maintain a positive outlook.  I met other D-Moms that seemed defeated and tired all the time.  Boy-little did I know.  It didn't take my husband and I long before we were like walking zombies from lack of sleep.  On the outside boy did I smile!  I think I smiled all the time.  A little too much I'm sure-but it was all I could do to keep from crying at times.  I refused to be weepy and defeated but I was.  And then Sydney's doctor waved a gold nugget at us-- Insulin Pump Therapy.  He said Sydney was a perfect candidate- even at a year old.  Her Blood Sugar's were all over the place.  50 one moment and then 500 the next. 

I called insurance to see what our out of pocket costs would be..and then the bomb!  "I'm sorry Mrs. Tennial, Insulin Pump Therapy is not available until shot therapy has been proved ineffective for 6 months." Thanks so much Aetna-NOT!

6 long months ticked by.  The worst part of shot therapy was that if she went into a meal high-we had to wait to correct until she had finished her meal.  And by that point her sugar was in the 400's and then she would ride the sugar roller coaster until it came down.  Can you tell how much I hated it? 

Then the heavens opened (haha dramatic I know) and she was approved for an insulin pump at 18 months old with no out of pocket costs because we had already met our deductible for the year.  Ha!  Like that's hard to do with a diabetic child! 

Now-the hard part.  Which insulin pump?  We had narrowed it down to the Omnipod and the Animas Ping.  We had a rep from each company come over and show us all the features.  After seeing our options we picked Omnipod.  We were so excited to not give Sydney 6+ shots a day.  We started using it and within a week we had mixed emotions.  Our biggest problem was that the pods would fall off all the time!! I've heard many Moms comment that they can just reuse the insulin inside. Omnipod Customer Service said it's not recommended because it could be contaminated and I would not risk that.  We lost bottles of insulin-so much for no out of pocket cost! 

What we didn't like about OmniPod:
You lose a Pod-you lose Insulin
Not good at dosing small amounts
Takes up a lot of skin real estate
Does not calculate IOB for food
Her pants never fit quite right when we put the Pod on her bottom.
The cannula is longer than Animas so not great for belly sites
OmniPod and the beach just don't mix

What we loved about OmniPod:
That we didn't have to give 6+ shots a day
That the insertion was automatic
That it used the Freestyle Test Strips-Requires the smallest amount of blood
That it had a wireless remote
That she didn't have tubing

Finally after a year and a half the dislikes outweighed the benefits and we switched to Animas Ping (in pink of course)!

What we love about Animas
We didn't have to give 6+ shots a day
The insertion is nearly automatic
The brand is J&J-they have been around a long time and I trust them
It has a wireless remote bolus feature
The site is so small that we can rotate and apply to more parts of the body
She can wear a cute pack with her clothes
She can disconnect at the park or before a bath
The tubing hasn't been bad at all-when it's tucked in her pack you can't even tell.
The pump is waterproof and it loves the beach/pool :)
It calculates IOB for meals in addition to BG corrections
It gives the smallest amount of insulin available

So far-we haven't had any major problems and I'm glad we made the switch!  Sydney just told me yesterday that she loved her pink insulin pump because it's pink like a princess. 

Me on the other hand..I have a love/hate relationship with the pump.  I hate the pump because it's a constant reminder of her disease.  I love the pump because it keeps my child alive-and that's enough for me.  Me and the Princess Pink Pump have a long road ahead of us and I hope it's up for the ride.  

Friday, June 24, 2011

Bryce Graduates Preschool!!!

It seemed like yesterday that Bryce was born.  And now here he is going to kindergarten.  I get all choked up just thinking about him walking into his school and into his adult years.

 The music starts playing and in walks in our little bubby.  He won't admit it, but I could see my husband get choked up!  They sit down and we can't wait to see the program!
They sing 6 songs.  That's right 6.  Bryce played it cool the entire time and was so serious. He must have been feeling super shy and I can't blame him.  After all, it must have been 50 people in a small little room!  The best part was when they read aloud what they all wanted to be when they grow up.  What do you think my Bryce says?....

He wants to "Be a chef like his Mommy so he can cook cool and awesome stuff!"
Ok-disclaimer...I am not a chef but I do like to cook and he is always in the kitchen helping me.
I was so touched!  It's one of those moments in life that you feel confirmation for the hard work of parenting.
Sydney was proud too!  She called his name about a million times during the ceremony. 

When we got home-we celebrated with a Thomas and Dora cake!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Tea Party!

Recently-my daughter received an invitation to attend a tea party.  She was through the roof excited-and of course I was too!  The hostess was so accommodating.  She made sugar free stuff galore and how sweet is that!  It’s certainly not every day that someone offers to change their plans to make your little one feel just like everyone else.

Sydney looked adorable.  She played and danced and we were having a grand time.  And I knew it was coming….the food.  Ok..(Swallow, Swallow).  There is that nagging feeling in my stomach…carb coverage nagging.  It’s wasn’t a normal 34 carb count cupcake.  It was a giant sugar free cupcake covered in sugar free fondant icing!  Again….(Swallow, Swallow)….55 carbs come to my head….no Jodi…65…Geez… Sydney is patiently looking at me hold onto her plate with the giant Cupcake and finally she says…”Mommy can I eat it now?”  Me-“Ok…(Swallow, Swallow)….here you go babe.”  I handed over the colossal masterpiece and watched my little cupcake devour every crumb of it.  Bite after bite of bliss.  I could see it all over her face…joy…. 

 Isn’t that just it?  It’s not about today’s carb counts or finger pricks.  It’s the little moments like this.  Maybe I’ll have to give her a glucose tab or 4 (LOL) later or maybe she’ll need more insulin but that will always be the case.  That day…she was just like every other little girl there.  

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Outlet

Mom, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Employee, Counselor, Nurse, Chef, Taxi...Just some of the things that I am any given day. I don't mind it-I love it in fact.  But why is it that sometimes I feel so uninspired?  I'm passionate about my family and my faith but there has to be something that I really enjoy doing...something mine...

 I try to juggle all my tasks in a day. The days I get everything done are the days I clock 4 hours of sleep.  Most days something isn't tended to.  Let's not talk about laundry!  And yet-here I am.  I sit down at the computer to blog or to make another pump pouch and I feel serenity and focus.  Is it possible?  Is it possible I've finally found what I want to do when I "grow up"?  I think so!  Watch out world-here JODI COMES!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Bubby


I know that I'm not always able to play spiderman and batman as much as you would like.  I know sometimes you ask me questions that I can't answer.    And sometimes I'm so tired I loose my patience.  But don't you worry Bubby-me and you-we have a bond kiddo.

I know sometimes I push you to do more than your share and  sometimes it's out of your comfort zone, but I swear Bubby it's for your own good.  It's my job as your mom-to make sure you grow and thrive...to make sure you eat your veggies and get lots of hugs and kisses (my favorite part). 

I know the hardest part of life for you is having to take 2nd seat to Syd's diabetes...but don't you worry Bubby-your always at the top of my list.  I'm so proud of the person you've become and I want to recognize you my Bubby...My sweetheart, my smart big boy. 

Love you always-Mom

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Life of What If's

When you have a child with a serious condition-it's hard not to think of the what if's.  What if she's at school and her teacher doesn't notice her blood sugar is low.  What if I sleep through the 3am check.  What if she is treated differently at school.  What if my son resents his sister's diabetes because she requires so much care? What if...what if...what if...

You can drive yourself crazy thinking about the worst case scenario.  And yet-as Mom's that's what we're made to do.  We want to protect our children from the harsh realities of the world.  We want to lose our temper at the jerk that's staring when we check blood sugar.  But what would that teach our children?

There is so much in life that's uncertain.  I have to remind myself constantly that I have to slow down.  Life for me could revolve around regular blood sugar checks and infusion set changes.  But it doesn't have to. 

My life is overflowing with love!  My husband who lets me sleep an extra hour in the morning.  My son who gives me hugs and kisses and knows just how to lift my mood.  My Sydney who is strongest person I know.  I have so much to be thankful for! 

I choose to LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dance Class with a Perfectly Coordinated Pump Pouch of Course!!!!

How Sydney's Sweet Life was Born!

You know how three year old's want to assert their independence.  Every task is a battle of "ME DO IT" and "NO".  It's normal and I try to let Sydney choose what she would like to wear and how she wants her hair fixed.  The part that sucks about diabetes is that every day she has no option if she's going to get her fingers pricked 7-10 times a day.  She has no option if she's going to get a shot or get an infusion set.

It was one of those days...Sydney hated every pump pack that I put on her. She cried and told me that she wished her diabetes would go away...and then it's like a lightbulb went off in my sleep deprived head.  Finally something she can control!  That day we went to the fabric store. Sydney picked out her fabric and I stayed up until 3am sewing. I slipped her pump pack on her while she was sleeping. Check out the picture of her when she realized she had a cute pump pack! She has pump packs to match every outfit...and it helps her feel like she's controlling something. Let's face it-a girls gotta have options.