We are on a Journey. A Journey of love and frustration. A Journey of finger pricks and cupcakes. A Journey of Type 1 Diabetes...The Journey of a lifetime!

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Outlet

Mom, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Employee, Counselor, Nurse, Chef, Taxi...Just some of the things that I am any given day. I don't mind it-I love it in fact.  But why is it that sometimes I feel so uninspired?  I'm passionate about my family and my faith but there has to be something that I really enjoy doing...something mine...

 I try to juggle all my tasks in a day. The days I get everything done are the days I clock 4 hours of sleep.  Most days something isn't tended to.  Let's not talk about laundry!  And yet-here I am.  I sit down at the computer to blog or to make another pump pouch and I feel serenity and focus.  Is it possible?  Is it possible I've finally found what I want to do when I "grow up"?  I think so!  Watch out world-here JODI COMES!

1 comment:

  1. You are wonderful at all that you are and you are a super fantastic, fabulous, and great sister-in-law too!!!
