We are on a Journey. A Journey of love and frustration. A Journey of finger pricks and cupcakes. A Journey of Type 1 Diabetes...The Journey of a lifetime!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hello From the Land of the Living

Well....I'm BACK!  I really haven't gone anywhere I've just been a whole year busy with stuff.  You know-Life and Diabetes.  So what's new with us?

Sydney is doing great!  She is 4 going on 20 and I just adore her.  My days are full of her hugs and kisses from morning to night.  I swear she has grown 3 inches in a year.  She transitioned from 3's to 4's at school, which has been a major adjustment.  We had a low blood sugar scare a few months ago and she refused to put her pump back on.  So for 3 months we were back to MDI's (multiple daily injections).  Now-I'm happy to report that she's back on the pump!  More on that on another post. 

Bryce is doing great as well!  He started first grade and absolutely loves his new school.  He's growing up so much everyday-becoming so responsible and he has the best sense of humor.  Some of his favorite things now are science and reading...I just love him!

Larry and I are doing well too.  I just got over a horrible case of Pityriasis Rosea which was so much fun...er NOT.

I've just started sewing again-and not sure why I stopped really.  It brings me such peace.  I turn on Pandora and before I know it 2 hours have passed with just me and my sewing machine. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally had Pityriasis Rosea back about 7 years ago. So not fun. It was all over my stomach and back and I had no idea what the heck was going on. My doc had to get out her medical encyclopedia thing to be sure. Crazy! I can't believe how grown the kids look!!!
